Australia and new registrations are growing at 6% per annum. On average motorcyclists
spend $200 per day – fair bit more than your average caravaner! Being motorcycle friendly
will help you tap into this huge market.
Become a motorcycle friendly business and open your business to motorcyclists.

What is a motorcycle friendly business?
A motorcycle friendly business goes the extra yard to make motorcyclists feel welcome. It’s
best to start with an understanding and appreciation of motorcyclists. Convenient
motorcycle parking, while not essential, does make it a little easier for riders and their
pillions after a long ride. Motorcyclists, like anyone on a budget, love a good deal so a special
motorcycle friendly offer is always popular. Think discount or value add. It should be obvious
that a business is motorcycle friendly – motorcycle magazines in clear view, a motorcycle
display or theme, helmet storage and/or jacket hanging space. You may have another
unique offer that qualifies you as a motorcycle friendly business.
What’s in it for your business?
- Capacity to reach domestic and international motorcyclists
- More motorcyclists in your door
- Increased awareness within the motorcycle community through marketing efforts
- Use of the brand and marketing collateral – the hard work is done!
- A reason to work closely with your fellow business owners
- Support from the motorcycle friendly experts
Your business can get involved with the motorcycle friendly program from as little as $75.00 per annum.
Application Form – Motorcycle Friendly Business